Links: Jesus is a smart dude

D-Lo’s Bad Day – My most cherished moments as a Red Sox fan was Derek Lowe’s performance in Game Four of the 2004 ALCS. It was masterful mix of hope overcoming despair and triumph in the face of defeat. Unfortunately, things have not been so good for him as of late. He got shellacked on Monday by the Braves and his wife is leaving him. Even worse, his divorce papers have seeped onto the internet. To top it all off, in news that surprises no one, he has a significant drinking problem. I hope that he’s able to get his life straightened out.
BREAKING NEWS: JESUS HATES THE YANKEES! – I know it’s true. I read it on a t-shirt.
Know your civil rights! – Apparently, Thursday is Whacky T-Shirt Day. It's absolutely essential that you click this link.
Baby Shower Erupts into Chow-Yun Fat Movie – When baby showers go bad.
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