Links: Throwing Hand Grenades

Start Fake School, Get Final Four Tickets – Ripped this one from BSG’s intern. What I found really funny about the article is that Air Force tried to set up a game with their fake university.
Law School Professor Ban Lap Tops – If any of my professors tried this, I would fight them. The best part is that the students (SURPRISE!) protested on grounds that the laptops are necessary for note-taking. They failed to mention that lap tops in the class room are essential to blogging during Federal Income Tax.
CAUTION: Beer Consumption Might Lead to Dangerous Behavior – Apparently there are some folks very upset over a new Bud Lite ad that features a bunch of guys drinking on their roofs under the guise of doing repairs. The critics are concerned that the commercial violates some “beer ad code.”
Ob La Di, Ob La Da – Life goes on for Corky. For absolutely no discernible reason, I went on IMDB and looked up that kid with down syndrome from that show about the family with the kid who had down syndrome. I got a cruel chuckle out of the fact that Cork tours with a 3-piece folk band. You hear that? Santa just added me to the naughty list.
MLB Initiates Bonds Investigation – This should have happened a long time ago. Guys like Bonds, McGuire, and Sosa have dishonored the game in a way that is only rivaled by the Black Sox. Every player who cheated to get into the league deprived another player of a chance at making it the legit way. The breadth of the failure of the failure of commissioner and the players’ union won’t be fully realized until many years down the road when former players start dropping dead. I don’t know how you treat the records that have already been broken, but I do know that it should be Commissioner Selig’s #1 priority to make sure that he never even gets close to Aaron’s record.
HA! Garden State!
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