Friday, May 05, 2006

Boys Club


And fond goodbye to Hootie Johnson who has decided to retire at age 75. If you don't know Hootie, he was the chairman of Augusta National Golf Club Georgia and The Masters. Hootie will forever be remembered as the man who successfully faught off an attempt by Martha Burk who wanted Augusta to admit female members. Hootie was successfully able to keep something sacred in a world of continuing degredation. A world where everything is integrated and everybody has a chance, there remains somthing that says "No we're men only, go knit". Now before anyone jumps off a ledge at my comments I'm the biggest democrat and equal rights advocate you'll find anywhere near this blog. That said, letting women into The Masters is like letting little boys join The Girl Scouts of America, it just doesn't make any sense. There are thousands of private country clubs within the U.S. that all allow female members, so here's to Augusta, holding back something that even a place called the Citadel could not.

The following picture was taken at Martha Burk's rally pay special attention to the orange sign.


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