Monday, February 20, 2006

Links: Why the shit not?

Offensive t-shirts brought to you by Maxim. -- I’m a big fan of “Designated Purse Holder”.

"Bin Laden vows never to be captured alive – Isn’t that our plan, too?

FLASH BULLETIN: AFRICAN-AMERICAN WINS OLYMPIC GOLD – Somewhere Bryant Gumbel is smiling smugly/drinking Colt 45. Douche bag.

Interesting Chafee v. Laffey Analysis – I’ve tried to stay away from this race here, but I stumbled upon this page while surfing during FedTax. I’m not too keen on his characterization of Senator Chafee as “incompetent” and “stupid”, but the author has hit the nail on the head in terms of his understanding of demographics in RI. The comments section that they have also contains some interesting debate on the race.

DAMM: Drunks Against Mad Mothers – Wonderfully, tasteless site that is devoted to getting “mad mothers to stay at home and cook and clean where they belong.” Wow.


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